Thoughts about this?

Okay so me and my boyfriend we have been together for 10months now and he is 16 and I am 15, we are both very mature for our ages especially me I get mistaken for being 19/20 so many times, about 3 weeks ago my boyfriend broke up with me and he said he needed some space-also take in me and him would hangout everyday and almost have sex everyday, so we got a bit sick of each other and we constantly fought, so we haven't been together for 3 weeks now and me and him are best friends, no one knows him better than I do, we still kiss and have sex often, and we are just working on things together to be better and have a better relationship. We aren't a couple so he talks to other girls and he has hooked up with other girls I am not worried or upset by this because I know that he is young and he wants to experience things(he also lost his virginity to me so he has never done anything sexual before) , and I know that at the end of the day he will be with me and I am the one he loves and is inlove with, we have a very true and unconditionally love I know we are young but we both feel it and it's indescribable, I told him that I will always care about him and love him and that I will give him as much time and space as he needs before he wants to settle down and commit to a relationship. Do you ladies think this is normal? I think I am handling it very maturely and smart, because being rude and fighting with him will only make things worse, what do you ladies think??