Infant seats infant seats infant seats oh my!😳

We're due with our second tiny human in August! I can't help but stress out about the infant seat. As much as I hate to admit it, I was young with our first one and picked a seat for her based on how cute the seat was 😳. Thankfully I have changed and became a safety freak! I've researched and researched and researched these four seats, I just can decided which one. Mommas pllllllease help a momma out!! 
Can't decide between these 4 seats. If you have one can you tell me what you like/dislike about it?? The seat will be going in a GMC Acadia with bucket seats. 
1.) Chicco KeyFit 30 
2.) Graco Snugride 35 LX with safety surround 
3.) Graco Sungride Snuglock 35 Elite with safety surround 
4.) Britax B-safe 35 or 35 eliteÂ