idk what to do anymore

Okay so I'm in college I never really wanted to go to college because I hated school so much. But towards the ending of my jr year of high school I figured it was something I had to do to have a better life. I decided to become a Nursing major because I always loved the process of labor and delivery. When I was a kid my friends would be outside playing and I'd be at home watching discovery health. I remember I was watching someone give birth and my grandpa asked me why am I watching this vs playing outside or something. I don't remember what I said but that was the first moment I can remember ever thinking of becoming a nurse. And hear I am years later and I have the chance and it's like I don't even want it anymore. When it comes to my classes it doesn't interests me like it once did. I don't expect the grades to be handed to me but I don't feel connected to myself anymore. I feel like I'm wasting my time with this because I'm not taking it serious enough. There's no other career I'd want & like i can feel myself slipping and making the wrong decision. Idk what to do anymore I just want to be a labor and delivery nurse and I feel like I messed it all up because I allowed my family life and my job to take all my attention.& put school on the back burner. I'm pretty sure I failed this semester and it hasn't been the first. On paper if I was the board I wouldn't allow me to be in the program becauSe I'm not showing I want this hard enough. I just want my to find myself and my motivation because without that I feel like I'm wasting time &money. Someone help me, like am I the only one who feels this way.