what do all these letters mean

Hi I'm new to this forum. Coming here has not been easy for me I have bipolar and been with my hubby 16 years we've been pregnant 5 times 4 resulted in miscarriages and 1 was an ectopic resulting in my Fallopian tube being totally removed. I've grieved for along time over the loss but it resulted in a fear of getting pregnant again so I've avoided sex full stop( I haven't touched my hubby sexually for a year until recently) I was also abused as a child which didn't help with the sex thing at all.   But 10 years down the line and after having 2 years of sexual therapy, I'm now ready to try again much to my husbands complete and utter JOY. But I'm a little lost with all the shortened words I know What TTC is but as to the rest I'm not very sure. Would anyone be kind enough to tell me please x