Coworker Issue & TTC

Erica • Pregnant with #1!
Hi everyone! I'm a teacher and I coteach in the same classroom with a lady 12 years older than me. She's been TTC for a few years with her husband. I just started TTC with mine and I'm so excited about the journey! My friends at work sit with us in the cafeteria before students arrive so we can chat. However, I'm noticing more and more that my coteacher is getting snippy and stand-offish with me. She's been known to make snide comments about me in the past because she's dealing with jealousy issues. She sees my success as an affront to her. It makes me very self conscious about opening up with my excitement. I've been very considerate and tried to refrain from talking about TTC around her. I understand her frustration and I love her despite her jealousy and hardened heart toward me. Can we please pray for her here? I haven't been praying for her to conceive because I also know her home life might not be the best place for a child. 😬 But I feel like we should pray for her well-being and heart. Any suggestions for how I can show her the Christian love she deserves as a child of God without hurting her any more than I fear she already is hurting?