Mc day 12 passed sac

Erica • Married, SHM, 1 child JWH after ttc 3+ yrs multiple mc, due with baby #2 any day
Yesterday was the 12th day since my mc started at 5 weeks. I bleed heavily for 4 days then very lightly for the rest. Last night I started cramping real bad again and bleeding heavily. I thought this might be the start of my period, but when I woke up this morning I had passed the sac. I looked like a small deflated balloon clear in color but covered in blood. Now I'm barley spotting and havent cramped at all. Hopefully that means I am done and can get back to normal soon. Ever since I found out I was loosing the pregnancy all I have wanted is for it to be over with. It's bad enough to have to go through this but it's been such a drawn out process. I feel like once this part is over we can finally greave and move forward to the next step in our journey.