preterm labor..

So Tuesday at work I went to the bathroom and noticed a good bit of red blood when I wiped. I freaked out and called my OB. I work in the ER so my charge nurse called to the OB foor to come check the baby's heart tones. My on call OB was there and told them to send me up immediately. They did lots of tests and noticed I was having contractions when I was on the monitor. She checked my cervix and said I wasn't dilated yet but I was 50% effaced. Contractions were about two minutes apart but I didn't even notice them. They gave me two doses of procardia to stop them but they kept going. She agreed to let me go home as long as I stayed on strict bedrest and followed up in 2-3 days, which we would then discuss plans for when and what I could do about work.
I had my follow up appt today with a doctor I've never been fond of, he's always in a hurry and pretty dismissive. He didn't check me or anything, he said since I haven't had any other bleeding I should be fine. I told him I was concerned more about the contractions since that's why she kept me and tried getting them to stop but he never addressed that. He kept going back to he bleeding and said I should be ok since I had no additional bleeding and I could return now. I definitely want to be able to work and do things but I feel like he didn't address the issue. Am I being paranoid and just go with it or should I try to call the dr I saw in the hospital?
UPDATE: I saw the dr that had me in the hospital. She did a test to check if I would be having this baby in the next two weeks and it was negative. She also checked my cervix and I wasn't progressing! So I'm back to work, yay! Just gotta keep her cooking :)