hate my partner ....

Bethany • 21 Noah 31/1/16👶🏻 Piper 27/7/19👶🏻
Been with my partner almost 5 years and he's become a completely different person he never shows me a affection
He doesn't care if he upsets me
He's always know I want a big family 
And he wants 3 kids !
Which is fine with but I've finally plucked up the courage to tell home in want another kid (my son is 15 months) 
And I begged him to think about it !
A little after he tells me this will be the only kid we're having I don't whant anymore and don't get arse on because your not getting your own way 
Why does he act like this especially last month I had a miscarriage I want a little girl so badly and he says I told you I don't want one unless I can afford it 
Excuse me !!! 
I buy my sons clothes nappies wipes milk shoes toys birthday gifts Christmas gifts he buys OUR. Son nothing !! Afford a kid my bloody arse !!! Am I being harsh 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭