supposed to start AF today

aareylu • Wifey, mother of 2 little men and a little lady 🥰💙💕
I'm so upset, so I took a test last week 6DPo-9DPO and got vvvfl. Well AF is due today 5/4. I took a digital clear blue....BFN. Is this normal?? I know the vffgl wasn't an evap line because it had red tint in it. I don't know, were at almost 2 years of ttc this is my 4th cycle on 100mg of clomid. I got pos opk and bd a lot this month. I'm losing hope, did anyone get BFN at 14DPo and resulted getting a BFP???? I legit don't feel AF coming, last week I was cramping off and on. My boobs are so sore, my stomach gets upset. Waaahhh help!!!