really upset right now.

About me: I was diagnosed with a sever case of pcos and Endometriosis and a low egg count. As of right now it is technically possible for me to conceive. Me and my husband have been ttc for a few months now and have gone through several miscarriages over the past three years. I'm 20 years old and my husband is 24. I have been told by countless specialist to start thinking about other options. I have uterine fibroids, a small uterus and enlarged ovaries. 
Recently after getting negative test after negative test I have gotten a little depressed and seeing the vast majority of people I know getting pregnant so easily and posting about their baby and things it has really been getting to me. Well sometimes I like to rant on twitter about how these things upset me and how living with fertility issues is really difficult. 
Well tonight my cousin who found out when she was 13 that she can't have kids and got a full hysterectomy messaged me tonight and basically told me that I'm not allowed to post about how these things upset me because her situation is "worse" and that I shouldn't be feeling this way because as of right now I still have a slight possibility of having a child that is biologically mine and my husbands. She basically told me that I'm not allowed to have feelings on this and that I shouldn't post how I'm feeling because it upsets her. 
People will always have worse situations. But that doesn't mean that I'm not allowed to be upset about my situation. This is fairly new to me. And I just don't even know right now. I'm really in my feelings.