Exhausted 😩

So I keep reading all these posts about babies sleeping 4-7 hour stretches at night past 6 weeks. My guy is 8 weeks and up every 1-2 hours (I am lucky to get one two hour stretch). Not sure if I am doing something wrong or if this is just his pattern? My SO takes babe from 10-1am so I can get started on sleep. He watches Tv and babe falls asleep on his chest for an hour or two. When I take over I feed him right away and put him down then he's up every hour or maybe two. It takes me a bit to fall asleep so I am only getting 30 minutes or so here and there. I am absolutely exhausted and feel like 💩💩💩. Also due back to work soon and I am panicking about functioning on no sleep. Any tips moms?Â