Help?! Baby wont eat or sleep long


Okay so I'm really not trying to complain but..

So my sweet boy was late pre term (36 weeks) i had to have an emergency c section and he had to stay in the Nicu, not for long ( even though it felt like forever) 5 days . but he was bottle fed with my breast milk . so i was afraid he wasn't going to be able to breast feed but we have successfully for almost 4 months!

Okay the "issue" is he has never been a long eater, idk if it is because of my let down or what but he eats for no more than 8 minuets and that's just or one breast, ill try and see if he wants more either from the same breast or the other one, but he doesn't until he wants to eat again which is in an 1 hour to 1 hour and a half. He has rarely ate for longer periods like 10-23 minuets sometimes but he is half sleep so I'm not sure if he is drinking.

Also i know all babies wont sleep through the night, he goes down for about 3 hrs the 1st time putting him down, but the rest of the night he will wake every 1-2 hours nurse for like 3-5 minuets and then is knocked out sleep and it repeats!

I need advice as to what i could try and do or i have to wait it out. Which i have been doing because i know he is still a little one and i love nursing him it gives me so much joy especially since i thought i wouldn't be able to.

I know this is long but if you have read it ANY ADVICE??

-sleepy mama