I've decided to just let people judge me

I have been so frustrated lately. Our 8 month old daughter does not like to nap in her crib with us on the weekends. She will only nap in our arms. Over the months we've tried several times to practice laying her down, but she just resists. She sleeps great in her own bed (dockatot on top of a mattress on the floor) in our room overnight , and even falls asleep independently. Overnight it's now rare for her to wake up, and often if she does she puts herself back to sleep. She sleeps in her crib at daycare and will often take nice long naps there too. I am totally fine holding her while she naps on the weekends, but my in-laws are consistently saying stuff about how it's bad for her and I'm not doing her any favors. And my mom tells me how I should be using that time to be productive around the house and how I don't want a 3 year old who can't nap independently.  Friends and coworkers give me funny looks when I say that she still naps on us. Today I made a full on attempt at nap training. After two one-hour sessions of trying to get her to sleep in her crib, and her miserable the whole time, I gave up. I can't do it. My husband told me not to be bullied into anything I don't want to do. So I've decided I will just let everyone judge me. She sleeps independently when it matters most, and I enjoy our snuggles and know that I probably won't get the luxury of doing this whenever we have our second kid, so I'm just going to hold her. They can judge me all they want, but I'm fine with the way it is. We'll revisit it if I get to the point where I'm not anymore. 
I feel better now.