To my Clomid buddies...

So I finished my first cycle of clomid 2 weeks ago tomorrow. I'm about 99.999% sure that I ovulated, I could actually feel it happening, It felt like my ovaries were throbbing almost, along with cramping, and pressure. My opk test strips showed that I had a high LH surge the following Sunday and Monday (I believe it was my peak, according to glow as well as my other 2 apps) I'm thinking that's why the lines are so bright. I'm now in my TWW as of Friday. I'm having a few symptoms such as sore breast and slight fatigue so far and my period isn't due until the 12th..... my question is what were some of your symptoms before your BFP and how soon did you test after ovulation? Also did anyone else experience ovulation pains on clomid?