I don't think my LO likes anyone but me

My LO won't even look at her grandparents (which I'm ok with for now, we can work on that) and usually cries even for my husband which makes me feel awful. We EBF and I'll be home with her now until September or October. My husband was home the first week she was, and did a lot of night feedings, changing and cuddling so I could sleep or we took shifts but once he went back to work I did them so he could sleep since he was working and obviously I was with her all day while he was at work. She's 8 weeks now and for the most part cries when he holds her and doesn't smile for him nearly half as much as she smiles and communicates with me. No concerns about her ability to do these things because I get smiles and coos galore. He'll sit with her when she's under her little gym and play with her but I feel bad he can't really hold her. I'm not sure if it's because he gets home when she's pretty much overtired from the day (she naps for 20-30 mins spans at most) or it's just how she is because she generally seems to have no time for anyone. Anyone else have this problem or any suggestions? One of the peds at our practice was like crying doesn't hurt her he's gotta hold her and she's gotta cry but that doesn't make for a great experience for either of them.