finally done... and scared..

Heather • 💙Otto Wayne 9/7/18 💙💚Owen David 5/22/20💚
We just experienced our second miscarriage... last time we were 9wks and had a d&c this time we were 5wks and had a natural MC.. I can't begin to explain the mind f both ways have on you. I'm finally done bleeding after 11days and I just want to feel normal again.. I'm so tired of not seeing positives and then finally getting one and having it ripped away... don't really know where to go from here.... my husband dosnt want to give up or stop trying and neither do I but I can't go through another one.. this last one almost broke me completely.. we are waiting the recommended cycles to TTC so we can mentally heal but I feel like if we do get pregnant again the anxiety of MC will consume me... what are some of the things that helped you get past the fear of MC?