yeast infection questions, how do you know when it's gone??

Emie • Wildlife tech 😄
Guys ok so I'm an over thinker and I'm most likely over thinking this.  This will be my third yeast related post 😅😅😅 To avoid reading all of the below my question is how do you know if your yeast infection is completely gone if your symptoms were mild to begin with?  But for some background continue to read lmao.  I'd like to thank everyone here who are so supportive!!  I love this app! 
Quick recap, I made the choice of going across the country to follow a summer job (Best choice ever).  Of course my BF and I had a lot of sex, unprotected but I had no problems before (I'm on BC so no worries on my end).  I was worried about a possible UTI (not from sex but from hiking 2 days straight without showering 😅) so my OB said I might be developing one and gave me microbid (antibiotic).  I was road tripping to my new job and didn't think about needing to worry about anything.  So combination of semen, eating lots of junk food, sitting in the car for 6-8 hours (I have to admit my area got very hot sometimes), and taking these antibiotics (I'm a science major I know better than to skip doses but I ended up missing 2-3 doses by accident so messing myself up there).  Finally after a week I arrive and notice some itching.  Fast forward almosts a month later I'm finally at the doctor here and she takes a culture.  Calls me the next day and let's me know its yeast I get put on fluconazole 150.  Take it two weeks, symptoms almost gone and the last day I notice itching and some discharge.  This doctor put me on another 2 week treatment so I'm currently on week 3.  Itchiness is basically gone and the only irritation seems to be in my birth canal (when I was checking for more discharge I noticed that it seem to irritate me a little).  My problem is I never had the cottage cheese discharge so I have no idea if my discharge is normal or not.  I mean I had little itty bitty balls of white substance but in very small amount and not so consistent.  The two week mark on my last treatment I actually had a string of white discharge but after that it looked clear and stick (TMI I know). My discharge is clear looking and sticky but I cannot tell if it's watery??  I feel like this has been going on so long I don't know what my normal discharge is 😑 
So anywho thank you for reading this far, I'm calling both my OBs tomorrow and seeing what their nurses recommend.  I just would love to be able to have no condom sex with my BF since it's been 2 months and it's the best (TMI I know but trying to be real here lmao)