My mc story

Kristen • 💖
I'm 19 married into the USAF. My husband is currently in Italy. On FeB 15th I found out I was pregnant. I was having implatation bleeding and slights cramps and sore breast and also every morning I would take a test just to be sure lol. On FEB 18th I had my first miscarriage at exactly 4 weeks. I had no cramping but was bleeding very heavily. I was so upset and heart broken because we had been trying for four months and finally it happened. My husband would tell me it's okay and try to give me emotional support because he physically isn't here. It kind of seemed as if it didn't bother him as much as it did me. My mom was my support system and still is. Im hoping in four months to try again and pray that if I must to become pregnant again that I have a healthy pregnancy and that my child will stick.