Round 2


Jeff = SO

Max = Our 5yr old son

Abbigail = Our Newest Addition

Birth Story: After timing contractions to be about 2 minutes long and 8-10 minutes apart we go up to the hospital. I get into triage and they start to monitor everything and asking all the usual questions. They check me and I'm at 5cm. They prep my room, move us in, and start the antibiotics (GBS +). My contractions slowed down a little so they gave me low dose pitocin. Just enough to move them closer together, but not too much because they need 4 hours for the antibiotics to make it safe for Abbigails arrival. I opt for a saving grace pain medication at almost 7cm. It was enough to take the edge off but not numb anything. At 8cm I'm told this is my window of opportunity for the epidural. I have 3 contractions while the epidural was being put in. Good thing Jeff was there to hold me still. After about a half hour the epidural has my lower body numb and I'm told to let the nurses know if I start to feel pressure or the need to push. I was checked on a few times but still waiting. The last time I was checked on, the nurse decides to check my cervix and see how it's going. Abbigail is crowning! Everyone rushes in to have this baby NOW! 2 strong pushes and she was out. Jeff cuts the umbilical cord and blood halariously sprays everywhere. The nurses clean Abbi up and do their normal checks while the room gets cleaned up. They called time at 6:29pm. Everybody from home comes to the hospital and Max is the first in the room to meet his baby sister. Thats when all the pictures start and the story basically tells itself from there.