sex drive talk.

So I spend every weekend with my boyfriend- since he works and I go to school full him. With us not seeing each other during the week on the weekends we have a lot of sex.. Atleast 4-5 times during the weekend. We really enjoy each other❤️. Well we went to his parents this weekend and we had sex once -it was his idea and it was after everyone had went to bed. It was amazing and we both got off. Then Saturday and Sunday he didn't touch me or anything.. I'm not really sure why? If we're laying down he usually cuddles me/ rubs my belly or boobs- but he didn't. I tried making some advances and he told me no.. I don't want to "nag" about not having sex but I really feel like I'm not going to last until next weekend- that's if he wants to get  dirty.. I really don't like doing it solo.. any advice?