discharge or amniotic fluid?

manda • Boy mom x3 💙
I'm making myself paranoid over here! I'm 14w1d and the last few days I feel like I'm having some type of discharge almost consistently. Sometimes it feels like a lot comes at once and it's sort of like the feeling when you can feel the cum building up and leaking after sex (sorry if tmi), or sometimes it's just like a constant dampness. It's usually pretty thin almost like water. I've thought it was just sweat at times cause when I throw up a lot my whole body starts to sweat (morning sickness hasn't let up at all 😑) but then it keeps happening throughout the day. Anyone have any experience in this area or experienced something like this? I've tried to research it but I'm still lost. Can you even leak amniotic fluid this early? Sorry FTM over here and everything makes me worry! Any insight would be appreciated 😊