Step mom problems

Sorry in advance for this ridiculously long post

I've been with my bf for 2 years now and he has the sweetest little girl! I've been in her life since she turned 2. Her biomom absolutely hates me because when their daughter started talking she kept calling me mom. And I totally understand why, we always corrected her not to call me mom and I apologized like 10 times but she still hates me for it. Anyways, biomom has a record for bouncing relationships and constantly moving in with new men every few months with their daughter because she has primary custody. now the biomom is dating this guy who just got out of jail for the 3rd time. He has a record of breaking and entering, running from cops, and distribution of drugs. He also has an "MOB Family" tattoo so we think he's affiliated with the blood gang. My bf wants to go to friend of court to have it put in the order that his daughter cannot be around her spouse unless they have been in an established relationship for at least 1 year for safety reasons. Has anyone else dealt with this? What would help make sure its put in the order? Or are we being unreasonable?

Also I found out this guy has a daughter of his own so I did some social media stalking, no shame in my FBI game. His baby's mom has posted about a lot of problems she's had with him. Would it be inappropriate for me to message her? I don't even know what I'd say but we know nothing about this guy except what his public record says!

This guy also has posted on his social media bashing my bf, I will add the pic for you to see what he posted. And it made my bf so mad because he's been fighting foc for almost 4 years to get 50/50 time and he only gets every other weekend. Meanwhile the mom send their daughter to relatives for weeks at a time! This guy JUST started dating the biomom, and she also has another boyfriend so I think this one is just a side piece or something.