I just had to blast this out 😭😭😭

I'm so stressed cause I'm 17 and live with my aunt and I NEVER go out. Please take everything I say literally. I have no real friends I hang out with. She doesn't know anyone I know. I had some buddies at work but she made me quit bc I lied and she doesn't trust me. I went out with a friend to the movies and she came over, first friend she met. I used to talk to people at work and message then on social media but no real friends. I have an online dating life, sort of. I meet guys online (don't tell me to be careful cause I am) and I have this fuck budy who's 21. I'm not sure he knows I'm 17, he never asked and I always prefer older guys. He always asks me to come over and fuck but I since I never go out I never have an excuse for my aunt. I usually see him on Tuesdays when she thinks I have school. Ik he gets frustrated cause we only meet when I hit him up... I myself get frustrated cause I wanna see him all the time. She's super strict with everything and I'm moving out when schools is over, she says she's okay with that. So frustrating tho. And I have very little friends or people to talk to about this. Which sucks even more 😞