
My younger sisters had a lot of hardships growing up that my older sister and I didn't have to go through, or we were old enough to deal with it. They are so unmotivated, one barely finished high school, the other might be failing this year. My father is no longer in the picture and my mom is trying to support them, is working 3 jobs now so she's never home anymore. My older sister and I don't live with them and they were really close to us, me especially and now we don't see each other everyday. I try to go see them at least on the weekends. They're both depressed and refuse to seek council. They got kicked out of their last therapy session and don't like talking to anyone but me. I try to help and listen and give them the best advice but I don't feel it's helping. They miss my dad so I'm trying to arrange flights for them to see him despite the circumstances. I just don't know what else to do, I feel like I'm losing them. They're just little zombies now and I can't sit here and do nothing.