teenage hormones ??

For a long time I've wanted someone to talk to about this but no one really understands my issue which is why I've decided to reach out here. For a few weeks now I've been feeling upset and idk whether it's the teenage hormones or what but I feel ever so lonely. There's a lot of family issues going on and I feel like I have no one because my family is stubborn af. I have no interests/hobbies, so I'm constantly bored and annoyed. Nothing interest me anymore not even going out (I used to love going out). Idk what to do. I feel so lonely and scared and I just want to be happy again, but it seems like everything's going in the wrong direction, so what do I do ?? And don't get me started on how crap school has been recently, I don't even have the motivation to get up to go to school because of how upset I am. Sometimes I feel like I overthink way too much which causes me to stress a lot. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank u xx