He let her run around naked and poopy in public...

I work in a museum gift shop and this family came in with 2 little girls. Well, the father took the youngest one out to change her diaper. I'm not sure how old she is, but she looks about 3. That's just a guess though. She is definitely older than 1. Well he comes back in with her and she has no pants or diaper or on! Just a shirt and she is still covered in poop!! He is just walking her around like it's nothing! She stinks and is jumping around and stuff. I simply asked him to please at least go clean her up because I don't want to have to clean poop off if everything and he walked back outside. Was what I said rude or something? Because his wife looked at me like I was the devil. I'm sorry, but she doesn't need to be like that in a public place like this with lots of people around her while she is all poopy and I do not want to clean up their child's poop! Not my kid, not my job!!