Feelings hurt 😢

QUEEN 👑 • Wifey💍 Mother 👪 SouthernGal👢

I know that this is stupid for me to be upset about but I'm feeling really low right now. With summer coming and everyone walking around in shorts and tanks already I am just wanting to never leave my house again.

I'm currently 7wks 4days pregnant with baby #3 and for the past week I've had both my parents to tell me how "chubby" I am getting and that I need to lose weight. They don't know I'm pregnant yet because my husband and I aren't quite ready to spill the beans.

I am trying my best to camouflage my stomach area because I feel this is where it is most noticeable but DANG. They make iy sound like I've gained 30lbs already or something! Its probably just my hormones I know, but I just needed to get this off of my chest.