Gave birth to my beautiful baby boy 5/5/17

Gave birth to my beautiful baby boy 5/5/17. 7lbs 3 ounces. 19.1 inches. Easton Mekhi. He's such a sweetheart; especially with his momma 😊. My labor was a little intense. Water broke Thursday ( wasn't sure if it was my water so I went in the be tested. Tested positive. At the point there was no going back home; it was time. My ACTUAL due date was May 24th---so I wasn't expecting my Thursday to happen the way it did. They placed me in a room. Got me hooked up and almost instantly started pitocin. I got all the way to 3-4cm dilated and asked for an epidural. Contractions are definitely no joke. After the epidural they continued the pitocin in which they noticed his heart rate would drop every time I had a contraction but would also instantly shoot up right after. Continued this route for 23 hrs 😫☹️😩. Of course by this time the epidural is wearing and my baby is showing signs of stress. My doctor came in and look at the readings and didn't feel comfortable with me pushing as she was afraid the baby wouldn't have the energy to come down. This was at 9 cm dilated when she made the decision to do an emergency c section. I cried instantly. But all I could think about was the health of my baby. Got more epidural and before I knew it my precious little boy made his grand entrance. My god is he beautiful! the best thing that has ever happened in life. I'm officially a mother and it feels awesome. Everything i do in life will be for him. And I wouldn't trade it for anything. ☺️☺️ onto GLOW BABY!