Struggling between my sane mama side and crazy mama side again - need "healthy" baby food advice


I just started my 5 month old on trying solids recently by doctors recommendation. She is ebf (won't even take a bottle - despite my attempts to coax her) and so far I've just given her Gerber rice/oat cereal (which she doesn't even open her mouth for anymore) and mushed up fruits and veggies (which she LOVES) she figuring out how to swallow really well since starting the mush and really seems to like it. We want to take the "baby led weening" approach when she's able to start hand to mouth feeding herself.

Anyway I'm struggling a bit right now as I seem to be the minority in my town. I'm wanting to keep what we give her relatively healthy and "pure". Like the basics. Fruits, veggies, grains, meats in a variety of textures. Not much processed or sugary foods - at least not in this first year. It feels too soon and kind of unnecessary as we are in the experimental stage for food anyways. But I'm getting a lot of pressure to feed her "mum mums" or mix her cereal with fruit to get her to eat it when there is really no reason to force her to have rice or oat cereal. So many baby teething crackers or puffs have sugar added and when they are just getting their teeth in or just starting foods it's just seems odd to give them that stuff so early? I'm not usually much of a health nut. Not like I eat perfect myself. But I guess I just don't feel right giving her that sort of thing when she's so young when there are so many other options. Are there moms out there who are strict about what they give their babies and stick to home foods and not jarred baby food or purees that could share what they do?