just need a selfish moment

I'm almost 29 weeks along with my second. Neither of my pregnancies have been easy for me. Lately I've been having some severe pains. It's like cramping and I'm sure they're just Braxton hicks but they're really painful and getting worse and happening more. A little over a week ago my husband got sick, he wouldn't go to the dr no matter how much I tried to get him to go. Finally after his fever kept getting worse after taking Tylenol, I threatened to take him to the ER and finally convinced him to go to the urgent care the next day. Well he had the flu. So it's been fun around my house. I feel terrible for being upset with him but I can't handle him constantly complaining about how he's sick, he's tired, or that the house is a a mess. Like I get it, I know all this but here I am working over 40 hours a week, in so much pain that it slows me down at work, taking care of our first child, and being pregnant, plus sleeping on the couch so I don't get sick... I can't handle it, now he tells me that he needs a break, mind you he is no longer in school and isn't working yet. I just want to pee alone or eat my food before it's cold or soggy... this momma really just wants 2 mins to breath without feeling guilty...
If you read all that thank you for letting me spill everything out...