How to say no without creating conflict?

Let me start by saying my sister is a hot mess and if I gave all the background we'd be here for days. She needs someone to watch her son (my nephew) while my mom is at work. I told my mom that if they needed to help just ask and I'd be happy to help when I can. Somehow this turned in to me being all day every day free daycare. Now... I have 2 kids, am 8 weeks pregnant with my 3rd, and also nanny 2 other kids a few days a week. This would be a 4-year-old, two 5-year-olds, and a 6-year-old plus being nauseous all day. I know I can't handle a 2-year-old full time right now as well. Not to mention I want to be able to enjoy my pregnancy. I don't know what to do. I can't say no without it being a huge thing and my mom not speaking to me for at least a few days. She's going to say that I offered and then changed my mind. Advice?