how long should you be on the depo shot?

so i started depo to stop my period (it was 5 weeks and counting) and for the high probability of not getting pregnant. i'm 17 and have been using the shot since i was 15 (over 2 full years now) and my primary care physician said she was surprised. when i asked why, she said that depo decreases bone density and extended use (>2 years) can increase risk for osteoporosis? i've tried to do additional research but all i've found is lengthy studies heavily laced with complex medical research, which are of no help to me. 
so what i'm asking is: what is your personal experience? how long were u on depo? what effects did u experience? did u get similar advice from ur doctor? is getting off depo as horrible of an experience as it seems? did u switch to another method (pills, iud, implant) afterwards and if so was it successful? any information is appreciated as i'm in the dark. thank u ladies!!