boyfriend treats me like a child

I'm 32 and am dating a 45 year old man. I still have occasional fun with my friends and go out, I'm responsible and have my career and a place but he constantly feels the need to lecture me about my drinking with friends, tattoos, paying my bills off quicker (I only have a mortgage and car payment) and after a year he admits to him not liking me text him, I don't have a house key and as a girlfriend he acts like I'm too needy. I feel super insecure like he's hiding something when I'm normally not that way in relationships. When I try to call him out on these issues he argues me into the ground and his logic makes sense so I just end up feel depressed. I've tried to end the relationship but end up going back. He tries to show support by giving me money and by encouraging me to reach my personal goals but I don't feel loved and I feel belittled most of the time. I don't feel like this relationship is going anywhere. Has anyone experienced anything similar to this? I know he cares but I feel trapped, a lack of energy and like my mind is constantly obsessed with the issue when I used to be relatively happy single. Why is it so hard to just walk away? I'm starting to hate him and shut down mentally along with having no desire to date again if I am single. Any advice or uplifitng words to put my perspective straight.