should I be annoyed?

So..I really like a guy. Let's call him A. His best friend is B. Me and A talk all the time but never in school, he ignores me and hangs out with B and their friends who are mostly girls. I'm crazy about A and B is very attractive. I expressed my liking towards both of them to my friends, they all know I'm crazy about A. So one girl in my friendship group, she's wanted by pretty much the entire school. And as soon it was clear she's single, B started talking to her. And taking an interest. They talk and flirt and I'm happy but I can't help but feel a pang of jealousy. Nothing happened with A and he's all talk but won't make an effort to see me, when he does it's round his and he'll make sexual comments and stuff and say he wants head. I don't mind doing it (I havent yet-ever) but I want more than just some action, I want someone who's serious about me. Before A, I asked if I should go for B because I found him rly cute, but all my friends said no. Now my friend is talking to him. She didn't even find him attractive when I first asked. Idk if I should feel some sort of way..? Or if I'm overreacting. Idk if I should continue talking to A either.