Am I over reacting and being to negative?

Pamela • Son Patrick 3/6/06. Chemical pregnancy 11/2016. Baby girl/boy twins Liliana and Alexander 11/7/17
Sorry this is a little long but you need to get the whole picture. Both my husband and I have multiple siblings. I have 2 sisters and brother and he has a sister and brother. My older sister is the god mother to my 11 year old son. This is my husband's first biological child. He is the god father to both his sister's child and his brother's child. Though my father in law is a deacon, my husband and I are not extremely religious but our son did go to catholic school and has received his sacraments. Before we even got pregnant we decided that we would ask his sister to be the god mother and my 20 year old nephew to be god father. We have already asked them when announcing that we were pregnant. What we haven't announced yet is that we are actually pregnant with TWINS! We are very excited but we are waiting until memorial weekend to tell our family face to face when we fly back to NYC to do our "gender reveal". We decided that we are going to ask his brother to be Godfather and my oldest niece to be god mother.  The only thing is he wants to ask them at the reveal. I will be 14 weeks and want to wait until the babies are both born healthy. My great grandmother was pregnant with twins and she one baby was a still born. My mother was pregnant with twins and lost both of them at 13 weeks. Our DR's keep warning us of the risks of twin pregnancy with the highest risk being preterm later. Though I am doing everything in my power to have two healthy babies I know I can't always control it. And my thing is god forbid something horrible happens, then what do we do? I know there's the possibility of all 4 but neither of us want that because we would try again and then have the other two. I just don't see the big deal with officially asking the other two after we know we will baptizing that beautiful blessing. My husband said I'm thinking too negative. Am I?