Is this sexual harassment?

So this was a while ago, but whenever I go back to this gas station he us there and he creeps me out.

I went to a Maverick gas station for gas and a snack on lunch from work a few months ago. I was wearing some cute pink pants that day. As I am walking in to get my snack there is an old man sitting outside of the front door at the table they have there. As I walk toward him he says "pink is good on any day of the week sweetheart". I thought he was just complimenting me on my pants so I said " Thank you", smiled and went inside. I got my things and on my way out he starts talking to me about how nice my ass and tits are. I was very uncomfortable and just walked back to my car. Now whenever I go to that gas station and he is there I get really nervous about walking inside because he always stares at me and stuff. My friend works there and I guess he does that a lot to lots of women. They have tried to get him to leave and he won't. I'm not sure what it was so was it sexual harassment or was I just over reacting? It was a very uncomfortable situation. And yes, I am posting anon simply because I'm pretty embarrassed about it. I know it's against the rules, but I'm just uncomfortable talking about this at all...