Am I pregnant?

Okay so me and my boyfriend are ttc. My last "normal" period was march 24th.. and the I had another mid cycle period on April 13. Which was weird for me, and my next period is due today or tomorrow. 
However, since my last period I have been very gassy, have had nausea frequently (my body wanted to vomit a few times, but it never came up completely), my breast have been feeling very heavy and hurt really bad when not in a bra and my nipples are VERY tender when touched, and my boyfriend says that I have been feeling extremely hot recently (almost to the point to where he cannot sleep next to me), and I've also been feeling bloated. I am 13 dpo and during my ovulation period we had sex 3 times and I was on my most fertile day. 
Could I be pregnant? And should I take a test now or wait a couple days to see if my period comes before taking a test?