Any Ideas? on cycle day 38 after MC

Hi ladies,
I had a miscarriage at the beginning of April at 6 weeks, the bleeding only lasted 7 days. And my hormones when last checked  a month ago were at 14. We were told we could start trying again immediately, and we started trying again after the miscarriage ended. I know it can take a while for things to sort themselves out given what my body just went through. 
But I was just curious is anyone might have any thoughts or experiences to share. According to Glow I should have started my cycle on Saturday the 6th, which I figured when I had some very light spotting on Friday night, that it was starting. Normally, once I see light pic just spotting, things start full force the next day. I've always had heavy periods. Saturday and Sunday I only had very light spotting, only when I wiped. And some light cramping. I've had some light cramping during the week, but no more bleeding, or even spotting. I've noticed yesterday and today I've had some occasional nausea and some very slight nipple tenderness. Is it possible I ovulated later and may have missed it? HPT yesterday was negative (FRER). Should I keep testing or just give it some time?
Last time I spoke to the nurse (about 2 weeks ago) she said to wait until the end of this month- if I hadn't had AF or a positive pregnancy test by then, they would have me come in and try to figure out why my cycle hasn't returned yet.