Anyone ever had a weird or scary dream?

Last night I had a dream inside a dream. I can't remember what I dreaming about, but in the dream I got in the bed to go to sleep. After, I woke up I couldn't move, there was someone or something on top of me. They begin to lick me, lift up my shirt and began clawing my stomach. I can feel things in my dream, and I remember feeling irritated. The clawing wasn't painful. It felt as if it had no nails and as if they where tickling me roughly; but also as if they was trying to get inside me like a dog digging into the ground. I could also feel an irregular heart beating on my chest. I was still trying to move, my body was jerking as if I was having a seizure. I tried to scream but nothing came out. I finally got a sound out as I waking up in real life. My scream sounded like a loud cough. I looked over to my roommate; I hadn't awaken her. I round over to fall back asleep still feeling the rough clawing on my stomach.