Opk and BBt chart.

Okay I know I just posted something on here about my bbt chart and a fellow glower helped me out. She suggested I keep doing opks. Let's back track to the beginning of my "fertile week" I took opks and on 3/4 is where some glowers help me determine that I was having a Opk positive. So I stopped because that's what I read you are supposed to do ... Then after the whole tempt and Opk suggestion I decided to take another Opk...and It was the darkest I have ever seen it! Problem is my SO is working over night and no BDing today uuuuuhg! Any suggestion or help to try and figure this out! Here are my photos. 1st one is opks on 3/3(top) and 3/4(bottom) and that's when I stopped because I thought okay positive Opk... 
Then I retested Opk today 3/7 below
Also here is my BBT chart... 
So am I out ladies?