not sure?

So was wondering if anyone else has this same problem I have irregular cycles I can go for 4-6 months the longest so far without a period. Few years ago when it began I went to the doctor and they put me on birth control to make it come and fix itself. It worked for about two years than after that I got given a different pill to take for seven days to kick start period but ever since than I have only had two periods but other than that I have occasional spotting. Now this month today and yesterday it's spotting but less only when I wipe and it is very faint pink. Doctors are saying I'm fine and nothing to worry about. Of course there's something to worry about since I'm not getting them now. I went to three different doctors all telling me the same. I keep cramping too it comes occasionally but more often lately like I am about to start period but don't. Other things too but doctor says I'm fine. Did anyone else have this happen and what did it end up being? Also been having clear stretchy type discharge sorry tmi. Does it sound I can be pregnant this time around? I have been feeling nauseas too. Not sure if normal but will take a pregnancy test soon.