Lightning pain in breast

Marli • Lottie Mae norm 3-23-20. Liam Thomas🌈 born 4-7-17. Angel baby 5-4-16. Hubby & I married 11-1-14. Have two Pomeranian `babies`.
Feels like a lightning strike going through my nipple deep into my breast. My LO would be on my nipple 24/7 if I let him. So sometimes there are long periods during the day he's latched. The latch is starting to hurt more and more (going to see an IBCLC). But the "lightening bolt" is when he ISNT on. 
Is it mastitis?
Clogged duct?
Just a tired boob?
Also, I've been keeping lanolin on it or mama natural nipple balm. No visible cracking or bleeding. Just...pain.