fight the urge to be nosey...

If you feel like looking at your mans phone, don't. Learned my lesson. We're getting married next weekend and for some dumb reason I was like well I wanna see what he's been up to... well he's been  getting on Omegle and watching porn (most recent according to the safari time was Sunday during our Wedding shower) and obviously deleting conversations (bc of where they start) on FB messenger so I can only imagine that he's doing the same with texts... we picked up our marriage license yesterday... Idk why i felt the need to be nosey. Idk why I went down that path... I never do stuff like this... I trust him but I guess I was just curious... curiosity killed the cat, as they say. My heart hurts... 
Side notes: we have 2 kids together, our son is 2 and our daughter is 8 months old. I am going to confront him and talk with him today. Maybe it's something I did or didn't do to make him feel like he needed to do these things... I have been stressing with planning the wedding and dieting (I've lost 20lbs since February so I'm 135 now) and trying to stop nursing and keep up with household chores and having post partum anxiety about leaving the house... maybe I stress him out to much so he needed someone to talk to?