am I just going crazy?

Bf needed space for a few days and we were ok bad terms and I was under the impression we broke up. We are talking again and I noticed during these few days he followed this girl on social media who lives close by, has features he likes and likes all the same stuff as him. When I asked him about it after we were on good terms he said she was no one who has a thing with someone he follows. Then today I noticed he unfollowed her and she unfollowed him back. He said it was out of respect but she's posting really ambiguous tweets about how someone told her she deserves the best and how she wants to be more than friends and I'm not sure if it's a coincidence because they only followed each other for a day but he never goes out of his way to unfollow anyone, so I'm not sure. All I asked was if they were talking while we were on our break and he said no but now I'm getting in my head and overthinking.
Ps I really don't know if I should ask because if it got back to him he'd start saying I don't trust him and the thing is I do but he's also lied to me about stuff before and this is all oddly coincidental