advice please

I could really use some advice/support. I'm 21 weeks pregnant and both my partner and I are so happy and excited. I always knew my parents would never be completely happy as I imagine they'd prefer it if I was married/a little older. They have always liked my boyfriend and how he looks after me. He's 30 and I'm 23. We both have good jobs and we live in a house together. We told his family quite early on and they all seem really happy for us. I chose not to tell my parents until not so long ago because I was so anxious of how they would treat me and what they would think. I have a sister and I told her straight away - she has been amazing. She's just as excited as us and she understood why I didn't want to tell our parents straight away. So I finally told them, I did it via a message as I couldn't bring myself to tell them face to face. My mum literally replied with 'ffs, you must be joking' when I said 'no' she just said 'well I don't know what you want me to say to that' and she hasn't spoken to me ever since. I haven't tried speaking to them since as I know what my mum can be like and with me just trying and trying will make her worse and she'll upset me more. As easy as it is for my partner and my sister to say 'don't worry about it, they'll come round, you don't need them to stress and upset you' I'm really finding it difficult. I'm heartbroken that I feel like such a disappointment to them, and I'm so sad that I can't celebrate with my mum and dad. Everybody else I know that has got pregnant they have massive support from their families and everybody is so happy and I just feel so lonely like I don't deserve to be excited or happy. Has anybody else been through this? I really don't want to wish my pregnancy away but I just want to click my fingers and have my baby here and have everybody be happy and just love my baby.