Would you be upset?

Husband and I have 8 month old twins. I'm a SAHM. For the last 2 days I've been really sick with bronchitis and have no family or friends who live close by to help. My husband has been zero help. I was looking forward to today because with it being Mother's Day weekend I thought he would help me a little and let me sleep. He comes through the door an hour late from work today and immediately goes in the bedroom to change. I ask where he's going and he said his friend is having a party tonight so he's going to "make his way over there". I told him we needed groceries (my car is currently in the shop so I haven't been able to do much). He begrudgingly agreed but was super short the whole time we were at the store. I was trying to talk to him and he kept giving me shitty one word answers making it known he was mad. I was literally dragging conversation out of him. We got home, I put the two kids to bed and he told me I needed to go unload the groceries. I asked if he could help since I'm sick and the stuff was heavy and he said no. I lugged three pallets of water bottles and about 9 heavy grocery bags out of the car and up two flights of stairs alone all while he sat on the couch drinking a smoothie not even bothering to help or even ask if I needed help. After I put everything away I asked what we were doing for Mother's Day/our anniversary since that's next week too and he said nothing. He also said that he's going to be out of the house after work all next week helping his friend so I need to get on board with it. He was huffing and puffing so much that I physically asked him to go to his friends party if that's what he wants so bad and he shot up and was out the door within thirty seconds. This is this fourth night out this week. Would you be upset?