My past

when i was in 8th grade i was living with my mom, siblings, and my stepdad. i always thought he was immature and an ugly person on the inside. he didn't treat my mom the best, and i was the only one out of my moms 4 kids that wasn't his. he treated me not well. He never hurt me or abused me, it was more like teasing. he would mess with me in an immature way. it was tolerable. he had a drinking problem, and i did not trust him. one night he had been drinking, there was a knock on the door. it was police officers. they were there for my mom. she had a warrant for her arrest because of unpaid parking tickets. She left with them and i was so scared. i didn't want to be left alone with him. i started crying and tried to be with my siblings. they are all younger than me. the second oldest was only 7 or 8 at the time. anyways he saw me crying and tried to tell me it was going to be okay. he lied. he wanted to talk to me in my room. my siblings were all in the other room. i started crying more. at first he really did just talk to me. but then he started kissing me. he stuck his tongue in my mouth. i didn't freeze. i managed to get him off of me and ran outside. we lived in apartments at the time. i ran downstairs to the lady who lived in the apartment below us and banged on her door so she could let me in. i was so scared. she opened the door and let me in. i told her what happened she called the police. i went to go live with my grandparents. my mom got out of jail the next day and found out what happened. she was hysterical. i would be too if I were her. I don't remember what happened in detail next, but the police case was dismissed. nothing happened to him. i'm not sure why but i guess my mom, well i really don't know how she was able to past this and she is still with him. i gues she didn't believe me. to this day i love my mom so much. i have a good relationship with her. i forgive her. I still live with my grandparents. I'm not worried about the safety of my other siblings. he loves them. truly does. and he's sober. it's been 6 years since this incident happen. It hasn't affected me greatly. it makes me cry every time i think about it and I don't trust guys easily. today is my sisters 12th birthday. my mom finally moved into a house and throwing her first birthday party at the new house. my mom wants me to go. he will be there. i know it. i'm scared to see him. not because i think he will hurt me. but because if i see him i will crumble and i don't know if i'm strong enough. also i want to tell my boyfriend about this. i want to be able to talk about my feelings, but i do not want him to think badly of my mom. to those who read this, if you knew my mom and liked her, would it change your view of her? 
i've never talked about this to any of my friends. it's hard to talk about and i don't want pity. the situation could've been a million times worse as it is for some girls. i was fortunate in that way. I just felt like getting this off my chest. thank you.