
Diana • 34 and healing from 2 back-to-back losses. Still TTC #1
I started going to a beginner yoga class today in hopes of putting my mind and body in a better place to conceive once we can try again (D&C at 10 weeks on 5/3/17). At the end of the class, when we were relaxing, the instructor asked us to conjure up the image of something that made us feel strength: an experience, an emotion, an image, a person, etc, and to draw it towards our hearts.  Tears started to crawl down my face because I couldn't thing of anything at all. I feel so broken right now and absolutely nothing makes me feel strength.  I'm trying to make myself do things I think I should lately. Went to the movies with my husband last night, planted in the garden today, but truth be told, I want nothing more than to sit on the couch and do nothing and talk to no one. 
Just needed to say this out "loud" to someone as I fear I'm wearing my friends out with my woes.
Thanks Glowers....