not so happy Mother's Day

Happy first Mother's Day to me. Everywhere on social media I see husbands posting appreciative comments about their wives - the mother of their children. I don't care about posts like those my husband is not the type to express his love for me publicly but how am I Supposed to feel when I don't even get those kind words in the privacy of our own home? All he said was happy Mother's Day. That's. It. No flowers, card, balloons. Nothing. Not even anything nice to say. Not even a thank you for doing your best taking care of the baby. I just feel sad and unappreciated and today the sadness just magnified. He doesn't provide for us and I don't ask him for anything. Ever. Maybe  I'm crazy but all I want is for him to show and express his love ... if there is even any. How would you guys feel if you were treated like an invisible.