I can't tell why my baby cry!


I'm a first time mother of a 4 months baby girl. she is so sweet and lovely. my only problem is I still can't tell why she cry every day before her night sleep!! she starts crying loudly at 5pm-6pm every single day and she will keep crying till she eventually fall a sleep at around 7pm. i know babies cry but her crying is so different at night , she sound in pain (but its not infantile colic/nothing changed she only breast fed , and she doesn't do this during the day)

I'm not sure what I'm missing or what she needs. all day she is fine she doesn't cry unless she needs something and when her needs is fulfilled she is clam.

however at night time, I change her diaper, i feed her, read a story , run a white noise, music, tried so many things nothing works!. the only way i can make her stop is by holding her or rocking but once I leave her on her crib she starts again.

I thought that she might be overtired so I tried to force her to have more nap time during the day but it didn't work.

she sleeps after crying from 7 pm to 6 am wakes up 3 times to feed and diaper change. and naps from 9 am to 12 and 2 to 4. she looks like she wants to sleep when she starts to cry but I can't put her down. some of my friends and family says that maybe she wants to sleep but don't know how to fall asleep alone. they keep saying that I should let her cry it out. I started doing that she cry and sleeps after 15 -20minutes of crying. it's day 4 and its the same I can't keep her crying anymore! Its hard for me to just leave her on her crib and listen to her cry till she sleep and im worried that this crying is bad for her! or maybe I'm missing something!

PS: when I say she cry , I mean she is really really crying so loud and continously! if you hear her you think something is wrong! but this has been going on for quite sometime now that I'm sure nothing is wrong, she wake up afterwards during the night like nothing happened feed/change very smoothly and goes back to sleep alone without even my help!

sorry for the long post!

my questions are:

what should I do? and why is she crying ?

should I let her cry it out? and will it really work?

how can i know if she is overtired or she don't sleep enough?

is this what they call it witching hour?!?!? she is consolable easly by rocking or holding her up and walking around.

my baby is very light sleeper , is this has anything to do with it?